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International Toy Fair 2016: Cryptozoic Toys

You may remember at the beginning of last year Cryptozoic Toys' Kickstarter campaign for their Ghostbusters board game, and the finished product, plus much more is next up in our International Toy Fair coverage.

Toy Fair 2016: Kotobukiya Showroom Images

#Hellraiser3's Pinhead in 1/6 by Threezero for #HorrorMovieHeritage

And the first 1/6-scaled figure from Threezero's Horror Movie Heritage line, is revealed to be PINHEAD from Miramaxx Dimensio Films' 1992 horror feature; "Hellraiser 3: Hell On Earth"! And if the image (no doubt of the scaled figure) is any indication, it's gonna be one hella-ride for fans and collectors! (Sorry but I had to pun this :p) … I wonder if the rest of the Cenobites will get made 1/

TFsource SourceNews! Masterpiece, Xtransbots, Generation Toy, First Gokin and More!

Treat Yourself Right This Valentine’s Day


We received compensation as part of a promotional program with CTCA and MomSelect. All thoughts and opinions are my own.It’s so important that we take care of ourselves. Often this time of year we work on our health and it’s even more important that all women know the recommended guidelines for health screening tests like mammograms. My… [read more]

The post Treat Yourself Right This Valentine’s Day appeared first on Our Ordinary Life.

Titans Return - Chromedome Vs Dead End: Revisiting The Remold Question

Saturday night, following the Hasbro fan media event at Toy Fair, we posted an article addressing concerns raised about Titans Return Chromedome. Its similarity to Combiner Wars Dead End led to thoughts it might be that very toy remolded, but we explained it wasn't so, and talked about a prior example of similar repeated engineering. Ben Yee also felt the need to debunk this rumor, and in a post on his site even offers a new tidbit of information on this subject! Keep reading to find out what else we've learned and get a link to the article.

Name That…Candle

I don’t like the song “Candle in the Wind.” There I said it.

Cara Mempercantik Bulu mata

Bila ngomongi perawatan kecantikan untuk wanita tentu tak ada habis nya, dari mulai sisi badan yang mencolok bisa diliat oleh kebanyakan orang sampai sisi yang tidak sering tampak oleh orang lain. Sisi yang begitu memengaruhi tampilan seseorang wanita yakni muka, dalam muka ada kulit muka, mata, bulu mata, bibir dsb. Serta kesempatan ini saya bakal mengupas selesai bagaimana caranya melentikan serta memanjangkan bulu mata dengan cara alami supaya tampilan muka anda dapat lebih optimal.

Siapasih yang tidak mau tampak cantik didepan lawan type dengan bulu mata yang panjang, lentik serta tidak tipis? Hal semacam ini tentu begitu ampuh dalam menarik perhatian orang lain, termasuk juga lawan type. Walau memiliki bentuk yang kecil mungil, bulu mata sendiri cukup punya pengaruh besar untuk kecantikan muka anda. Cobalah saja bila anda tidak miliki bulu mata, atau bulu mata yang gundul & rontok tentu begitu mengakibatkan kerusakan kecantikan anda walau anda miliki kulit yang putih serta halus.

Jadi supaya memperoleh tampilan yang cantik optimal kita mesti memerhatikan dengan cara serius dari beragam sisi. Bulu mata sendiri adalah bulu yang susah sekali tumbuh, jadi kita mesti merawatnya dengan hati hati supaya tak berlangsung permasalahan seperti bulu mata yang rontok. Penyebabnya bulu mata yang sedikit, pendek serta tak lentik di pengaruhi oleh beragam aspek seperti aspek umur yang jadikan bulu mata kerap rontok, keturunan bulu mata yang memanglah pendek serta sedikit, pemakaian make-up serta bulu mata palsu yang terus-terusan, tengah terkena penyakit mata, serta karena sebab kekurangan vitamin E.

Karenanya kami bakal memberi info bagaimana caranya menebalkan serta melentikan bulu mata dengan cara alami. Alami di sini tujuannya yaitu memakai bahan tradisional sebagai maskara alami yang begitu baik untuk kesehatan bulu mata. Di banding dengan menggunakan pelentik bulu mata yang cuma memberi dampak sebagian menit saja apabila terus-terusan dapat menyebabkan bulu mata rontok, sampai kelopak mata yang gatal serta iritasi akibat terserang penjepit alat itu. Silakan simak tips-nya berikut ini.

Langkah Cepat Mempercantik Bulu Mata Dengan cara Alami

Olive Oil

Bahan alami dalam bhs indonesia yang kerap di panggil dengan minyak zaitun ini dapat bikin bulu mata jadi lentik, panjang serta tidak tipis. Kandungan vitamin E yang ada pada minyak zaitun ini begitu berguna untuk perkembangan pada bulu mata.

Sediakan 5 sendok makan minyak zaitun lantas tinggal berikan memakai sikat/kuas maskara pada bulu mata anda. Biarlah sepanjang 10 menit lantas basuh memakai air, kerjakan langkah tersebut tiap-tiap pagi serta malam hari sebelumnya tidur supaya bulu mata jadi lentik, cantik serta indah.

Lidah Buaya

Tanaman yang umumnya ada dalam pot ini memiliki sangat banyak faedah untuk kecantikan badan kita, termasuk juga menebalkan serta memanjangkan bulu mata. Siapkan satu buah lidah buaya yang masihlah fresh, lantas potong sampai gel dari tumbuhan ini keliatan. Berikan gel itu pada bulu mata memakai kuas maskara yang telah bersih. Kerjakan dengan hati hati supaya tak tentang kelopak mata, bila terserang jadi bakal gatal serta mengakibatkan iritasi. Seperti cost panduan memakai bahan alami begitu baik bila dikerjakan tiap-tiap pagi serta malam hari mendekati tidur.

Air Kelapa

Yakin atau tak kalau air kelapa dapat juga digunakan sebagai bahan alami dalam memanjangkan, menebalkan serta melentikkan bulu mata. Kandungan yang ada pada air kelapa yang masihlah muda dapat mempercepat perkembangan bulu mata anda dengan cara cepat serta aman. Seperti langkah di atas, tinggal berikan air kelapa dengan kuas maskara pada bulu mata kemudian bersihkan dengan air bersih. Kerjakan dengan cara teratur supaya bulu mata jadi panjang, tidak tipis serta lentik dengan cepat.


Bahan yang kerap digunakan sebagai bumbu dapur ini bisa digunakan sebagai bahan tradisional penumbuh bulu mata, hingga bulu mata jadi panjang serta lentik. Tumbuk atau jus sebagian kemiri sampai halus lantas berikan tumbukan kemiri itu pada bulu mata anda. Kerjakan dengan begitu hati hati, jika terserang mata dapat mengakibatkan mata pedes atau perih serta mesti dicuci dengan air secepat-cepatnya.

Teh Hijau

Daun teh yang belum di proses dapat dipakai sebagai maskara alami supaya bulu mata terlihat panjang lebat serta lentik. Tumbuh teh hijau sampai halus lantas berikan sedikit air hangat, celupkan kapas pada kombinasi bahan itu lantas berikan kapas di bagian bulu mata. Anda dapat juga memakai cotton bad pembersih telinga supaya lebih gampang. Kerjakan langkah tersebut dengan teratur serta bulu mata anda bakal lentik, tumbuh panjang serta lebat dengan cepat.

Tangkai Sirih & Lidah Buaya

Lidah buaya yang telah saya katakan di atas dapat juga digabungkan dengan tangkai daun sirih supaya hasil lebih optimal, bulu mata dapat lentik, panjang serta lebat dengan cepat. Sediakan tangkai daun sirih lantas celupkan pada lidah buaya yang telah dipotong hingga gel dapat melekat pada tangkai sirih. Pakai tangkai ini sebagai kuas maskara alami untuk melentikan bulu mata.

Susu Murni

Terkecuali digunakan sebagai pemutih serta pelembut kulit, susu dapat juga digunakan sebagai penumbuh bulu mata. Sediakan susu murni lalu celupkan kuas maskara yang telah bersih pada susu itu, lantas berikan pada bulu mata seperti kenakan maskara pada umumnya. Dengan susu bulu mata dapat lebih halus, panjang serta lentik dengan cara alami.

Jeruk Nipis

Bahan alami yang paling akhir dengan beragam faedah untuk kesehatan serta kecantikan badan yaitu jeruk nipis. Buah yang kaya vitamin termasuk juga vitamin E ini dapat memanjangkan serta melentikkan bulu mata. Peras satu buah jeruk nipis atau lemon yang masihlah fresh, lantas celupkan kuas maskara yang telah bersih pada perasan jeruk nipis tadi. Berikan pada bulu mata serta kerjakan tiap-tiap pagi selama seharian supaya hasil lebih optimal.

Nah tersebut 8 langkah melentikkan, memanjangkan serta menebalkan bulu mata dengan cara alami dengan cepat serta ampuh. Di banding memakai penjepit bulu mata atau bahan kimiawi yang lain yang mempunyai dampak negatif seperti gampang rontok, serta kelopak mata gatal. Langkah pemakaian bahan tradisional ini mesti dikerjakan dengan hati hati supaya tak terserang mata dengan cara segera.

Grandma Aurora May - On An Expedition Is A Beautiful Gray


"Grandma Aura May - On An Expedition!" is ready to go. She's been ready for over a year and is anxious to get started on her expedition with "Grandpa Lewis - On An Expedition!"

"Grandpa Lewis - On An Expedition!" isn't as anxious to go. He loves to please his wife, but is really more of a homebody and would prefer to stay home working on his coin and stamp collections.

Grandma Aurora May loves a good adventure and loves finding new places and new venues to explore. She'd rather spend all day looking for a great site for a picnic and always looks forward to their annual expedition to the beach.

Her main reason is that she loves to spend time with her grandchildren and loves cooking for them.

It's not that Grandpa Lewis doesn't love his grandchildren - he adores them. It's just he doesn't have a lot of patience for his grand children's boundless energy and "ants in their pants" inability to sit still. After one day at the beach with the grandchildren he's ready to go home.

Grandma Aurora May tells him to lighten up a bit. That's the way children are. Full of energy. Exploring everything. What's wrong with that?

Well, Grandpa Lewis doesn't mind enthusiasm and willingness to learn. He just can't stand little idle hands playing with the cherished coins in his coin collection and touching all the stamps in his stamp collection.

And he can't leave his collections at home while he's on a three month expedition to the beach. He'd go stir crazy without something to keep him occupied all that time.

Grandma Aurora May really does understand her husband and knows that she has to keep him happy or their won't be anymore expeditions to the beach. And, that she wouldn't be happy about.

So, each and every year she tells the grandchildren that Grandpa Lewis's stamp and coin collections are off limits.

Most of the time the grandchildren listen. Sometimes, however, there are those idle hands.......

“Grandma Aurora May - On An Expedition!”, 16” Victorian Lady Art Doll E-Pattern- Gray Is Beautiful Series - Pattern Category - Skill Level - Intermediate 

"Grandma Aurora May - On An Expedition" is a 16" Victorian Grandmother cloth doll with watercolor penciled face. Her boots are cross-tied and painted black. She is wearing gathered and lace trimmed bloomers and a gathered slip.

Her fancy Victorian expedition outfit has a dress bodice with a lined lace trimmed front band, double rowed lace trimmed over sleeves, and lace trimmed neck edge. The dress skirt portion of her fancy Victorian dress also has a double row of lace trim and is made of a coordinating striped fabric. Satin ribbon is tied around the waistline and a stain ribbon bow adorns the front of her dress.

She has a full head of gray thick roving hair fastened in a puff. Her bonnet matches the bodice of her dress and is lined and lace trimmed. She is carrying a wicker basket with lining and ribbon trims.

If you'd like to read the stories "Grandma Aurora May On An Expedition" is involved in with 'The Grays" just CLICK HERE.

Grandpa Lewis - On An Expedition! Is A Handsome Gray


"Grandma Aura May - On An Expedition!" is ready to go. She's been ready for over a year and is anxious to get started on her expedition with "Grandpa Lewis - On An Expedition!"

"Grandpa Lewis - On An Expedition!" isn't as anxious to go. He loves to please his wife, but is really more of a homebody and would prefer to stay home working on his coin and stamp collections.

Grandma Aurora May loves a good adventure and loves finding new places and new venues to explore. She'd rather spend all day looking for a great site for a picnic and always looks forward to their annual expedition to the beach.

Her main reason is that she loves to spend time with her grandchildren and loves cooking for them.

It's not that Grandpa Lewis doesn't love his grandchildren - he adores them. It's just he doesn't have a lot of patience for his grand children's boundless energy and "ants in their pants" inability to sit still. After one day at the beach with the grandchildren he's ready to go home.

Grandma Aurora May tells him to lighten up a bit. That's the way children are. Full of energy. Exploring everything. What's wrong with that?

Well, Grandpa Lewis doesn't mind enthusiasm and willingness to learn. He just can't stand little idle hands playing with the cherished coins in his coin collection and touching all the stamps in his stamp collection.

And he can't leave his collections at home while he's on a three month expedition to the beach. He'd go stir crazy without something to keep him occupied all that time.

Grandma Aurora May really does understand her husband and knows that she has to keep him happy or their won't be anymore expeditions to the beach. And, that she wouldn't be happy about. So, each and every year she tells the grandchildren that Grandpa Lewis's stamp and coin collections are off limits.

Most of the time the grandchildren listen. Sometimes, however, there are those idle hands.......

“Grandpa Lewis - On An Expedition!”, 15” Victorian Gentleman Art Doll E-Pattern - Gray Is Beautiful Series - Pattern Category - Skill Level - Intermediate 

"Grandpa Lewis - On An Expedition" is a 15" Victorian Grandfather cloth doll with watercolor penciled face. His boots are cross-tied and painted black.

Grandpa Lewis is wearing his favorite plaid suit with his favorite blue collared shirt. His plaid pantaloons are gathered and his plaid jacket is lined with a gathered bottom section. His lined jacket with lapels has two buttons and is tied with a plaid sash. He has a gray mustache and his gray roving hair is long and thick and tied in a ponytail at the back of his neck.

He fancies himself quite the gentleman and expert on rare coins and stamps. Now if he could just keep his grandchildren away from his coin and stamp collection. He loves his grandchildren but thinks they need to learn the value of a rare coin and stamp collection and how destructive idle hands can be.

If you'd like to read the stories "Grandpa Lewis On An Expedition" is involved inwith "the Grays" just CLICK HERE.

Blue Bell Sara's - Gray And Fabulous New Gray Is Beautiful Products Gallery Designs and Products


How can you be gray and not be "fabulous?" You can't as far as the "grays" are concerned.  They believe aging is not only beautiful but fabulous. Gray hair is not only beautiful, but infinitely fabulous. So, stand up and say "I'm Gray and I'm Fabulous!"

Their adorable new "Gray And Fabulous!" design and new products are for senior citizens, grandma's and grandpa's and are intended for use as gifts and accessories for seniors birthdays, retirement parties, and other special occasions. They have products for home decor, special occasions, home office supplies, clothing, accessories, fun and entertainment, and so much more.

They hope you like their new "Gray And Fabulous!" design and products.

So, stand up and say, We're Gray and We're Fabulous!"

Browse other gifts from Zazzle.

Unite Warriors UW07 Bruticus - Hisashi Yuki Takes A Step Back To Demonstrate Scale Of Grayscale Bruticus

Hisashi Yuki takes a step back on the incremental reveal table - silhouette -> grayscale -> color - to show off Unite Warriors Bruticus' scale! In a photo taken before WonderFest, QTransformers Starscream sits on Bruticus' shoulder to give people a better idea of just how big Unite Warriors figures really are. Keep reading for a closer look!

Bearington Collection Launches New Whiffer Sniffers at Toy Fair 2016


I have never really played with Legobricks, but I’ve always been fascinated by the range of st

come one, come all, to the “Lauvely” seashore circus


These sweet stuffed friends have all kinds of magic packed into their soft bodies. Handknit with 100% lambswool, each pal features just enough unique detail to feel very special. But I think each of these friends from Lauvely have stories that are just as cute. Mermaid Marina builds the best sandcastles, and loves to listen to […]

The post come one, come all, to the “Lauvely” seashore circus appeared first on Small for Big.

Resobox World Amigurumi Exhibition vol. 2: Crocheted Culture Celebration!

This is the second year that I participate to Resobox’s Amigurumi Exhibition. The exhibition i

Mattel to Launch Upgraded View-Master DLX Headset This Fall

Master Artoria Figure by Alter

From the anime series ‘Fate/Stay night’ comes the Master Artoria Figure by Alter. The Master Artoria figure is 1/7 scale and stands approximately 22cm tall. No pricing or release details were available […]

Toy Fair 2016: Mezco Toys One:12 Collective Product Walkthrough

Wonder Forge Adds Whirly Fun Game to Dr. Seuss Lineup

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