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Update To My Goddess Doll Adventure - After Seven Years They Finally Came Into Being


Back in 2008 I decided that I was going to try making something new that year. I wanted to try and make a type of doll that I hadn't made as of yet.

Now I know what you're thinking, "Linda, how could there possibly be a doll you hadn't made?"

Well, there were a lot of them and one of them was a beaded goddess art doll. Either with a clay face or with a cloth face.

I had been wanting to make one for quite some time. The problem was - lack of time. So, I thought that maybe if the bodies were already made then I could just embellish the rest. Maybe?

So, when I saw that Monica Magness, who used to write the "Girl Gone Thread Wild" blog, had a batch of 10 small goddess art forms for beading, painting & altering for sale on her Girl Gone Thread Wild Etsy shop I decided to buy them! The doll bodies were between 4"-6" tall and in various colors.

Back then I was already thinking of the different beads and embellishments I might try. Hmmm.....

Should I try clay faces or not? Hmmmm.....

How many beads? Hmmmmm....

What else should I use to embellish them? Hmmmmmm.....

I decided that whatever way I was going to embellish them it would be a delightful adventure. So, I put the package with 10 dolls aside until I could make them.

Over the years I kept trying to fit some time in for creating my goddess dolls and, as always, just couldn't fit them in.  Plus, I still wasn't sure exactly how I was going to finish them.

Some of the "goddess dolls" that I have seen were either faceless (which is fine with me) or had cloth faces, clay faces,  sun or moon faces, even beaded faces. Some of the face shapes were round or oval, some square, and some were triangles. I hadn't quite decided what kind of face I wanted to try as of yet, but I always liked to be prepared.

I thought they probably should be clay so I decided to buy some polymer clay to sculpt my own and also buy some molds to use in the event my clay ones didn't look exactly as I had envisioned them. If these didn't work then I figured they could have cloth faces or be faceless.

If I was really adventuresome I would give them beaded faces, but that would be time consuming. Or, I could just decide to do several of each. I wouldn't know until I start creating them.

I also needed to decide whether they should have hair or no hair. Headdress or no headdress? At the time since I was running out of doll hair (well, not really, but you never know what you want to use until you start creating) so I decided to replenish my supply of doll hair.

Also, I wanted my "goddess dolls" to have beaded decorations along their bodies or in their clothes (should I decide to add something along these lines) so I decided to visit my local craft stores to see what they had. I was expecting a little section of beads.

Au Contraire! Make that ROWS and ROWS of beads. Aisles and aisles of beads. So many so that it was almost impossible to decide.

Should they be round? Should they be flat? Should there be a combination of the two? Should they be large, small, or medium in size? What color? Solid or multi-colored? Shiny or not? And on and on it went!

Obviously, this was not going to be as easy as I had thought. I really hadn't thought this through and should have tried to design what I wanted my goddess dolls to look like before I attempted to by the beads.

Should they be traditional mixed media art dolls or should I make them a little different? Maybe they shouldn't even have beads? But, I really wanted to try beading as the dolls I'd seen were just so beautiful. Time consuming to make, but beautiful.

In any event, I bought several different colors and sizes of beads and because I like to be organized I also bought some containers to house my beads. Can't have them falling all over the floor. That would not be good!

So, I had my doll forms, ideas and supplies for various ways to make the faces, and lots and lots of beads. With my supplies bought I decided to put everything aside until I had time to make them,

Well, since that was 7 years ago my supplies were eventually used for other dolls or crafts I was making. If you asked me today what I had bought for them back then I really wouldn't be able to tell you. Aging is such a pleasant experience - isn't it?

In searching through my craft supplies a few weeks ago I ran across my package of 10 goddess doll bodies and decided that this time I would finally make them. So, believe it or not, I did.

I didn't exactly make them as I had envisioned.  For one thing I decided not to go the beaded route. The reason wasn't because I didnt want to - I couldn't. You see, I've been working on some beaded cross-stitch kits and my finger tips were just too sore right now from the little skinny (monster) needles going into my finger tips.

I love beaded cross-stitch but don't love having to tape my fingers so I won't be killed by those dastardly little skinny needles. I think they're evil monsters in disguise - out to get me!

Plus, I had another wonderful way to make the faces which didn't involve baking sculpey clay. Instead I would be using a wonderful invention called paperclay. See, sometimes it does pay to wait. Sometimes things come along that are just better. Yeah, I know, I have to find good reasons for my procrastination - don't I?

In any event I decided to use the paperclay and molds I had bought to make my goddess doll faces and have to admit they came out wonderfully. I wasn't sure the molds I had bought would work, but they did. So now I had the bodies and the heads but I was still left with the question as to how I would finish them.

After gluing the paperclay heads to the cloth bodies I decided I wasn't happy with the gap between the cloth and the paperclay heads so I decided to add a wimple made of Apoxie (A + B) clay around their heads, neck, and sides of the face which I could then stamp and color with powdered pigments.   I stamped all the wimples the same and then colored them with powdered pigments that would compliment their fabric colors.

Now all I had to do was figure out how to finish the bodies. I had a really good excuse for not beading them but, truth be told, I just didn't have the time required to cover all ten bodies with beads. However, that didn't mean they couldn't have some sort of beads on them. After all, that's what beaded embellishments are for.

So, I decided to finish them with a combination of mixed media, beaded embellishments, lace, velvet leaves, glitter leaves, ribbons, butterfies, wool florals, silk, and ruffles. Half of them would be delicate goddesses and half of them would be goddess angels with leaves for wings.

All of them would have hair. Some I made with alpaca fibers and handspun yarn from my sister's Rock Garden Alpacas business. Some were funky yarns I had. Some were wool hair braids.

All in all I was pleased with the way my goddess dolls turned out.  They weren't wild and funky artistic creations with beautiful beaded bodies but delicate and angelic.

Despite the fact that it took seven years they finally came into being and I sensed they were happy with themselves which, for goddesses, was the way they should be.

Next Masterpiece's Hint: New Version of Hot Rod In The Works

Radio Free Cybertron & Superhero Time alum Paladin has posted a Japanese hobby magazine scan to the Allspark, and the silhouette is unmistakeable: we're getting a new Masterpiece Hot Rod. The blurb next to the silhouette seems to mention being the size of Prowl, so this is a version of Hot Rod much more in scale than what you can make with MP-09 Rodimus Prime. More information as it becomes known, but for now keep reading to see the scan!

Seen @ #STGCC2015: Unbox Industries

This is the first time Hong Kong-company Unbox Industries helmed their own booth at the Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Con, and collectors had their eyeful of toy-goodness seen only online, and of course for folks who'd purchased Unbox-made toys previously, as well get to see their spread! Folks familiar to the TOYSREVIL blog might recognize Captain Tsubasa, Bullet Belt, even Cavy Vinyl! Unbox

Mendorong tubuh Anda untuk Bentuk Badan Ideal


Setelah beberapa lama untuk memperbaiki diet Anda dan meningkatkan kebiasaan latihan Anda; akhirnya, berat badan Anda mulai turun dan tubuh Anda akan membentuk lebih baik. Hal ini bagus untuk melihat skala Anda jatuh ke bawah beberapa nomor, memberikan Anda hampir berat yang tepat yang Anda inginkan. Namun, tubuh Anda mulai untuk mempertahankan metabolisme; itu akan mulai untuk memperlambat pasti. Jika metabolisme lebih lambat dari biasanya, juga akan memperlambat penurunan berat badan Anda, meninggalkan Anda terjebak di berat badan Anda saat ini. Tidak peduli betapa sedikit yang Anda makan, kalori akan terbakar dalam jumlah yang sama dari apa yang Anda makan; juga dikenal sebagai penurunan berat badan dataran tinggi.

Berdiri dan tidak menyerah

Jangan menyerah dan menyerah, karena itu adalah normal bagi tubuh Anda untuk melambat dan Anda akan mendapatkan beberapa memperlambat penurunan berat badan Anda. Pertama, Anda harus mencoba untuk memahami, apa penyebab utama dari penurunan berat badan dataran tinggi Anda? Dengan mengetahui dan memahami efek dataran tinggi, Anda dapat belajar bagaimana untuk merespon dan menghindari beberapa kemunduran dari kebiasaan baru yang sehat Anda. Terjebak di dataran tinggi, dapat mengambil beberapa hari atau bahkan beberapa minggu. Mungkin terdengar frustasi, tetapi semua yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah untuk menjaga asupan makanan Anda dan tetap melakukan beberapa latihan.

Penyebab utama Plateau

Jika Anda hanya memulai diet Anda, tubuh Anda akan cepat drop berat badan. Hal ini terjadi ketika tubuh Anda mendapatkan lebih sedikit kalori, tubuh Anda akan mendapatkan beberapa energi dengan perlahan melepaskan penyimpanan glikogen. Glikogen adalah beberapa jenis karbohidrat, yang Anda dapat ditemukan pada otot dan hati. Glikogen adalah terdiri dengan sejumlah besar air, jadi ketika glikogen Anda membakar energi Anda, itu akan melepaskan kadar air dan menghasilkan beberapa penurunan berat badan pada tubuh Anda. Efek ini juga sementara, ketika tubuh Anda mulai kehilangan sejumlah besar glikogen, dataran tinggi penurunan berat badan akan terjadi.

Mendorong tubuh Anda dari Plateau Berat-Rugi
Berat Badan Grafik Plateau
Ketika isi glikogen mulai berkurang, Anda akan perlu untuk membakar lemak dari tubuh Anda, yang akan memakan waktu. Yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah untuk memiliki beberapa pendekatan seperti rencana diet Anda awal, atau untuk memiliki lebih banyak latihan untuk membakar lemak Anda lebih mudah dari sebelumnya.

Melewati Plateau Berat Badan Anda

Bila Anda memiliki mencapai dataran tinggi Anda, ia akan membuat beberapa kurangnya kepercayaan dan merusak seluruh suasana hati bagi Anda untuk melanjutkan diet dan olahraga. Anda akan membuat beberapa catatan, baik Anda sudah puas dengan berat badan Anda saat ini, atau Anda ingin kehilangan lagi, semuanya terserah Anda. Jika Anda tertarik untuk mendorong tubuh Anda untuk batas, dan melampaui dataran tinggi penurunan berat badan Anda, Anda dapat mulai untuk memiliki beberapa metode yang berbeda.

Cobalah untuk melihat kembali catatan makanan Anda. Cobalah untuk tidak melonggarkan itu sedikit. Anda harus menjaga asupan makanan Anda serendah mungkin, dan tidak asupan setiap porsi yang lebih besar dari makanan. Terus melakukan beberapa latihan, dan tidak lulus hari tanpa itu. Jika Anda melakukan latihan kurang, juga akan membawa Anda ke dataran tinggi penurunan berat badan Anda. Dengan meningkatkan latihan Anda dengan tiga puluh menit, ini akan membantu Anda untuk membakar lebih banyak kalori. Dengan menambahkan beberapa latihan angkat besi, akan meningkatkan massa otot Anda dan membantu Anda untuk membakar beberapa lemak yang terletak di belakang otot Anda. Cobalah untuk pak beberapa kegiatan di luar ruangan dan berpikir jauh melampaui gym Anda sendiri. Anda dapat mulai melakukan dengan meninggalkan mobil Anda, dan melakukan beberapa berjalan dan mulai menggunakan beberapa transportasi umum. Anda juga dapat mulai cenderung rumput Anda sendiri sendiri. Dengan berkeringat dari berjemur, akan membantu Anda untuk mengurangi beberapa konten air dari tubuh Anda.

Kali putus asa, tindakan putus asa

Jika seluruh upaya untuk mendapatkan melampaui dataran tinggi penurunan berat badan Anda tidak efektif, lebih baik bagi Anda untuk melakukan beberapa percakapan dan konsultasi dengan ahli diet Anda, karena mereka mungkin memiliki beberapa saran yang bagus yang mungkin berguna bagi Anda untuk mengurangi berat badan Anda. Ingatlah untuk tidak mendorong tubuh Anda terlalu jauh, atau Anda akan menderita dari kondisi yang sehat buruk. Jaga asupan kalori Anda serendah mungkin, tapi cobalah untuk tidak mendorong bawah 1200 kalori, atau Anda akan menderita kekurangan makanan, yang akan membuat tubuh Anda kelaparan tak terkendali. Anda harus ingat bahwa beberapa penurunan berat badan obat juga tidak baik untuk kesehatan Anda. Seperti yang Anda lihat, memiliki beberapa steroid untuk meningkatkan konten otot Anda juga bukan ide yang bagus. Obat pengobatan penurunan berat badan bukanlah pilihan, karena akan membuat tubuh Anda menderita efek samping dari obat itu sendiri. Melakukan beberapa operasi lemak-removal juga tidak akan membuat tubuh Anda sehat, itu akan meninggalkan Anda di atas negara kepercayaan diri, dan membuat Anda untuk mulai makan banyak lagi. Lebih baik untuk menjaga kepala Anda dingin, dan mulai melakukan beberapa latihan!

PJ Masks Superheroes For Preschoolers on Disney Channel


“PJ Masks we are on our way, into the night to save the day!” Owlette, Gekko and Catboy, also known as the PJ Masks are superheroes for preschoolers that appear in their own animated television show on the Disney Channel and on Disney Junior. I love hearing about new shows on the Disney Channel, or […]

The post PJ Masks Superheroes For Preschoolers on Disney Channel appeared first on Toy Reviews | Toy Queen | Educational Toys | Toddler Toys | Best Apps for Kids | Toy Giveaways | Preschool Games | Baby Product Reviews.

Seen @ #STGCC2015: Ozzo Collection

I've featured their exclusives for #STGCC2015, and even had a couple of vinyl-sweetness for myself! But to see them altogether displayed in a single go, was such a fun sight to behold! Choosing a Red and Whte colorway theme for their exclusive editions, Ozzo Collection "celebrated" our Nation's 50th "birthday" with toy-aplomb - roping in both local (Daniel Yu) and overseas artists (Fanny

Seen @ #STGCC2015: GUMS Productions

GUMS Productions from Hong Kong had set up a booth at Artist Alley at last weekend's #STGCC2015, with a small but exciting line-up of their products currently on their production plate, including Vitaly Bulgarov's 1/6th-scaled Scout Dogs and Skull 13's Giant Larva Skulls (who one fine day I'll get for my personal collection, one. fine.day….), and what I was looking forward to finding more

Fisher-Price Enters Multi-Year Play Area Partnership with CBL and Playtime

Fisher-Price Inc. has entered into a five-year partnership with CBL & Associates Properties Inc. and Playtime LLC to design soft play area attractions at select CBL malls nationwide. Each play area will resemble a larger-than-life toy box featuring brands such as Thomas & Friends, Little People, and more. The first three attractions will open at [...]

Weird sells: 10 odd ideas that hit the jackpot

Videos of Hot Toys on display @ #STGCC2015

I have zero photos or videos of the Hot Toys' exhibits at #STGCC2015, but thank goodness other folks do! I just remembered gazing longingly at the TOUMA-designed Artist Mix Avengers and Ant-Man, trying to convince myself the figures were affordable … and I really love TOUMA's character design … but no, they were beyond my meagre budget, so all can do now is to bitch like a little boy about it

ReAction Figures Alien Special Action Figure Set by Super7 for #NYCC

SUPER7 PRESS: "Journey into the mysterious Derelict Spaceship with the ReAction Figures Nostromo Crew Special Action Figure Set! Dallas, Lambert and Kane don their spacesuits to venture out of the safety of the Nostromo Spaceship to investigate a distress signal on a distant planet. Little do they know the terror they are about to unleash!"PRODUCT DETAILS: "The ReAction Figures Alien Nostromo

set database: LEGO 40122 trick or treat

set database: LEGO 40122 trick or treat

image courtesy of thebrickfan

image courtesy of brickset
set number: 40122
set name: trick or treat
theme: promotionalhalloween
year: 2015
pieces: 133
price: us$10
minifigs: 2
halloween theme set.
come with a haunted house entrance scene with an openable door, a tombstone, a dead tree with a bat, a spider, pumpkins and green plants.
minifigs included a skeleton minifig and a female minifig.
great playability.
overall design is great.
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Kotobukiya Reveals ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ Iron Man Mark 45 ARTFX Statue

Kotobukiya Reveals ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ Iron Man Mark 45 ARTFX Statue

Kotobukiya has been revealing quite a number of Avengers: Age of Ultron statues of late. The latest is Iron Man Mark 45 ARTFX Statue. I know that many companies have been releasing this armor in...

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By the Power of Grayskull… Sideshow Collectibles has the Power!

This year has been rather surprising with the number of companies that are now allowed to make Masters of the Universe collectibles. Sideshow Collectibles is among them, debuting their first...

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By the Power of Grayskull… Sideshow Collectibles has the Power!


This year has been rather surprising with the number of companies that are now allowed to make Masters of the Universe collectibles. Sideshow Collectibles is among them, debuting their first products, the He-Man and Skeletor statues, at San Diego Comic-Con 2015 this past summer. Fans of the 80’s cartoon series Masters of the Universe get ready, the […]

By the Power of Grayskull… Sideshow Collectibles has the Power!">Read More...

Combiner Wars Onslaught Alternate Robot Head Sculpt Revealed

A new Chinese auction listing recently went up for a testshot of Combiner Wars Onslaught. The listing initially offered nothing we hadn't seen before, but in the meantime a couple new photos were added which are notable for showing the second robot head designed for this Hot Spot retool: Armada Demolishor! While there is no specific guarantee this head will appear, or that it will be used as that character, it's a very interesting and unexpected choice - and it raises a question of whether there's an alternate combiner head to go with it. Keep reading to have a look at our enlarged image!

DX9's D07 Tyrant Masterpiece Scale Unofficial Galvatron Color Photos

We've got new color product shots of DX9's Tyrant, representing their effort to deliver a Galvatron-inspired figure to fit in with Masterpiece toys. Focusing quite a bit on demonstrating certain iconic scenes from Transformers The Movie, Tyrant is made to look quite nice in its role here, while bringing just enough feeling of the original toy's qualities to hopefully satisfy a range of interests in a higher end type Galvatron. Click through and check it out!

Banpresto announces Figure Colosseum fan picks


Just to recap, every year Banpresto holds the Figure Colosseum, a competition where fans pick characters and sculptors are tasked to make figures out of them. There are two sides to the competition: One Piece Modeling King Summit Decisive Battle V and Dragon Ball Z Modeling Tenkaichi Budokai 6. The results are in so let's take a look.

Dragon Ball Z

  1. Super Saiyan 3 Goku
  2. Super Saiyan 2 Goku
  3. Android 18
  4. Shenron
  5. Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Vegita
  6. Super Saiyan Gotenks
  7. Cyborg Frieza
  8. Super Saiyan Vegita
  9. Tien Shinhan
  10. Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku

One Piece

  1. Trafalgar Law
  2. Urouge
  3. Bartolomeo
  4. Boa Hankock
  5. Senor Pink
  6. Roronoa Zoro
  7. Caesar Clown
  8. Monkey D. Luffy
  9. Sabo
  10. Portgas D. Ace

For me this felt like an opportunity for fans to get figures made of some unlikely characters. Two Goku figures off the start is the exact opposite of that, though I'd like to think they can come up with something unique for 18. The folks that voted on the One Piece side had the right idea. Since the Figuarts Zero figure shown in 2012 doesn't seem to be happening the Urouge fan club came out en force to guarantee a figure for the Fallen Monk Pirates' captain. The other two picks in the top three are a lot more obvious, but their fandom is peaking pretty hard right now. Senor is an interesting pick since his tragic hard boiled back story hasn't been told in the anime yet. 

So what do you think, did any of your choices rank?

Banpresto announces Figure Colosseum fan picks screenshot

Hot Toys’ 1/6th scale First Order Snowtrooper

Hot Toys has announced another collectible from the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens film. It's one of the most interesting new character designs - the First Order Stormtroopers...more specifically, the 1/6th scale First Order Snowtrooper collectible figure. "The latest generation of cold weather assault Snowtroopers is equipped with completely redesigned advanced insulated armor and helmets […] Read more
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