This is one of my "do not know if want" moments. Temenosuke has brought Disney x CLOT x MINDstyle's 3-Eyed Mickey to my attention, which just went up for reservation at a whopping ¥15,750. What do you folks think? Originally a CLOT exclusive, it is now available as a limited release via Temenosuke.
At just below eight inches tall, this mouse is... just there, doing a cool little dance move (maybe practicing for that Thriller video) and, yeah, he's got three eyes. Upon further inspection, it's actually quite charming!
Again, while this is something I would definitely display on my shelf, it's not something I asked for and it isn't something I'd pay that scratch for, either. Such is the nature of limited things by designer companies, though! Does this appeal to any of you Tomofolk?
[info and images via Temenosuke]