We'd like to take a time out from the usual stream of posting news about toys and other cool collectibles to bring you this little announcement. As part of the effort to protest against SOPA and its sister bill in the U.S. Senate, PIPA, Tomopop and our sister ModernMethod blogs (Destructoid, Japanator and Flixist) will all be going silent tomorrow, Wednesday, January 18.
Despite the fact that SOPA has been shelved for the moment, that doesn't mean either bill is formally dead. And while you may not think it has much effect on you, the toy fan, remember that these proposedlaws have all kinds of nasty things in them regarding DNS and search engine blocking that could keep you from getting to Tomopop, other toy blogs/sites or really, any other site you enjoy ... permanently.
Since we'll all have tomorrow off, take the time to call your senators and representatives, spread the word and let everyone know what's really up with these bills. For more information, head on over to the Entertainment Consumers Association.