Just like a many of popular titles, you can always expect a constant stream of figures coming from it. Touhou Project is one of those titles and you can always expect Griffon Enterprises to have something coming from it. And recently, quesQ has been bumping up their figure production giving Touhou fans another option for their figure needs.
From Griffon Enterprises comes a 1/8 scale figure of the little youkai lady Medicine Melancholy. As always, Griffon does a nice job with the coloring of these figures, providing much more depth to them. I'm always a fan of ruffles and folds and it's delivered on this figure adding to the detail. She has lovely hair and a cute face with a matching cute pose though it is a little plain in terms of motion. Medicine Melancholy is retailing for ¥7,980 and will be available in April, 2012.
quesQ is going the road that Griffon has already traveled. Rather than going with the busting out of her top dress, quesQ has gone with her priestess outfit for this 1/8 scale figure. Of course that bust of hers is still evident with the way the top clings around her breasts. It's a lovely figure with the amount of flowing ruffles in her skirt and sleeves. The hair is nicely sculpted with its movement and depth of sculpting. You can also remove Yukari's hat as well as give switch her head for a different hairstyle for that beautiful, mature face. My only problem is it looks a little rough around the edges for the painting which is most noticeable on the front. So that retail price of ¥11,800 is a little tough to swallow. Look for her to come out in May, 2012.
[Pre-order at AmiAmi (Medicine Melancholy) | AmiAmi (Yukari Yakumo)]