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Hal-hal sepele yang membuat Anda senang setiap hari


Bahagia orang tahu bahwa pola pikir dapat menjadi bagian yang paling penting teka-teki kebahagiaan. Setelah Anda memahami bahwa kebahagiaan tidak bergantung pada hal-hal eksternal seperti pakaian, karier, dan ukuran baju, Anda dapat fokus pada budidaya kebahagiaan dari dalam.

Berikut adalah beberapa kebiasaan sederhana yang dapat diterapkan untuk mengubah pola pikir Anda dan meningkatkan kebahagiaan Anda.

Mendapatkan tidur malam yang baik

Hal ini tidak roket sains: tidur mempengaruhi suasana hati. Setelah malam yang menggelisahkan, Anda mungkin akan lebih marah dan rentan terhadap stres. Setelah tidur yang baik, suasana hati Anda kembali normal. Manusia tidak berfungsi baik ketika mereka tidur dirampas.

Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa orang-orang yang tidak mendapatkan cukup tidur kurang memadai kadar hormon hypocretin, yang telah terbukti untuk memerintah sukacita dan kebahagiaan. Ini berarti bahwa memiliki tidur yang baik memberikan kontribusi langsung untuk kebahagiaan Anda.

Menghabiskan waktu di alam

Menurut sebuah studi baru, orang-orang yang menghabiskan 30 menit di luar rumah hari melaporkan peningkatan yang signifikan dalam rasa kesejahteraan, vitalitas, dan energi, sementara perasaan stres dan negatif, bersama dengan gangguan tidur, Semua dikurangi

Minum, menyentuh, dan mengambang di air

Neuroscientist, penyair dan ahli biologi memiliki semua terkait otak kita dengan air. Air menenangkan kami, mengurangi kecemasan dan menghubungkan kita ke alam. Konsumsi air meningkatkan kemampuan otak kita untuk mengirimkan informasi. Rangsangan Indra menyentuh atau mengambang di air melemaskan kita. Bahkan suara air dapat menenangkan.


Dari penemuan terhadap neuron cermin telah terbukti apa orang-orang bahagia sudah lama diketahui: jika Anda dikelilingi oleh tersenyum wajah-wajah bahagia, otak Anda menanggapi dengan menyebabkan Anda untuk tersenyum. Otak mengeluarkan bahan kimia untuk meningkatkan kebahagiaan Anda ketika Anda tersenyum. Jadi, tersenyum dan melihat dunia tersenyum kembali.

Membuat kontak mata

Koneksi sosial adalah salah satu kunci untuk kebahagiaan. Cara termudah untuk membuat sambungan adalah kontak mata selama percakapan atau hanya secara sambil lalu. Aku suka praktek membuat kontak mata bermakna sebagai cara untuk spread kebahagiaan di mana-mana aku pergi.

Mengadopsi sikap yang baik

Optimisme adalah sebuah negara yang berkorelasi dengan, tetapi tidak identik dengan, kebahagiaan. Jika Anda adalah orang yang berharap untuk kehidupan yang "setengah penuh" daripada "setengah kosong", Anda akan memiliki kesempatan yang lebih baik untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak kepuasan hidup dan kenikmatan, lebih memuaskan kerja dan perkawinan, lebih baik kesehatan dan umur panjang.


Orang-orang yang bermeditasi laporan tingkat yang lebih tinggi kebahagiaan, tapi sampai saat ini tidak ada bukti bahwa meditasi adalah penyebab. Itu, sampai Matt Killingsworth dibangun sebuah aplikasi, melacak kebahagiaan Anda, yang memungkinkan orang-orang yang melaporkan perasaan mereka secara real time. Di antara hasil mengejutkan: Mohon sering paling bahagia ketika kita sedang kehilangan pada saat itu. Di sisi lain, semakin banyak pikiran kita mengembara, yang kurang senang kita bisa.

Memimpikan impian besar

Satu rasa dari tujuan sangat terjalin dengan kebahagiaan. Orang yang memiliki impian besar dan secara aktif bekerja ke arah mereka lebih bahagia. Jadi, mengelilingi diri Anda dengan pemimpi lain dan dengan orang-orang yang Anda pemandu sorak.

Terhubung dengan orang-orang "Anda"

Ini adalah orang-orang yang berada di jalan yang sama dan menginspirasi Anda untuk terus berjalan. Saya menyebutnya suku saya. Anda dapat menemukan suku Anda di Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, di sekolah, di tempat kerja, atau di gym. Orang-orang yang merasa terhubung merasa lebih bahagia.

Menikmati makanan enak

Deepak Chopra menyarankan Anda untuk bertanya pada diri sendiri: "Apa aku lapar untuk?" kemudian benar-benar mendengarkan tubuh Anda. Makan diet seimbang makanan segar membuat Anda merasa lebih baik, dan rasanya besar juga. It's amazing berapa banyak sampah makanan yang dikonsumsi hanya karena kita berpikir kita tidak memiliki waktu untuk makan dengan baik. Memelihara tubuh Anda. Itu akan berterima kasih.

Melihat saat-saat intuisi

Ketika telepon berdering dan Anda tahu itu adalah ibumu, atau ketika Anda memikirkan teman Anda belum melihat bertahun-tahun dan kemudian jalankan ke mereka keesokan harinya — ini adalah intuisi Anda. Mengembangkan kesadaran akan hal-hal yang muncul kebetulan dan mulai percaya bahwa mereka tidak. Anda akan mulai untuk mempercayai Anda usus instink dengan keyakinan. Kesadaran diri ini membawa rasa kebahagiaan, yang terkait erat dengan kebahagiaan.

Mendengarkan musik

Ketika Anda memutar lagu dan menjalankan menggigil bawah tulang belakang, menikmati perasaan ini. Kemampuan untuk kuat dipindahkan oleh musik adalah seperti sedikit liburan dari rutinitas harian Anda. Menganggapnya sebagai spa mini bagi jiwa Anda.


Selain bagus untuk tubuh Anda, latihan juga memulai pelepasan kimia yang meningkatkan emosi positif. Keluar dan mendaki, berjalan, berenang, atau mencoba beberapa Zumba, dan melihat seberapa cepat perubahan suasana hati Anda.


Bahan kimia yang dilepaskan oleh tubuh Anda selama tawa transformatif dan penyembuhan. Menemukan waktu setiap hari untuk sedikit tawa.

Kebahagiaan adalah sebuah praktek. Sama seperti pergi ke gym atau makan diet yang sehat adalah gaya, sehingga hidup kehidupan yang bahagia. Setelah Anda mulai mengolah praktek-praktek untuk mendukung kebahagiaan Anda, Anda akan mulai melihat perubahan dalam hubungan Anda, karir Anda dan kehidupan Anda .

GUILLERMO DEL TORO: IN SERVICE OF MONSTERS - Opening Video & "Buddha Del Toro" by Chogrin

WHAT-IS: "GUILLERMO DEL TORO: IN SERVICE OF MONSTERS is an art show in tribute to Guillermo del Toro's filmography as a director. Over 150 artists from around world paid tribute to the director's 9 movies and the Strain tv series. The show was curated by illustrator & designer Chogrin, and co-curated by artist and deltorofilms.com collaborator, Gary Deocampo. GUILLERMO DEL TORO: IN SERVICE OF

A Little More Information on Making Goddess, Spirit and Healing Dolls Of Your Own


Since I had just finished my goddess dolls after being on the back burner for seven years I decided to see if there was any more information out there on them now.

If you've been following along on my blog you know that in 2009 I posted an article on my Linda's Blog entitled A Little Research Into The History Of The Goddess Doll, Spirit Doll, and Healing Doll. If you'd like to read that article please click here.

Also, in February 2015 I updated some of the goddess information in an article on my Linda's Blog entitled The History Of Faceless Dolls - Updated February 2015 - Part VII - Goddess and Spirit Dolls so if you are specifically interested in "faceless" goddess dolls check that article out here.

This time I wanted to see what information was available so you could create a goddess doll of your own. Here's what I found:

Joanna Powell Colbert who, according to her about page, is "an artist, author, teacher, and retreat leader who inspires and helps lovers of Mama Gaia to lead wholehearted, creative, and soulful lives" created a wonderful free "How To Make A Spirit Doll" PDF which can be downloaded here.

If you would like to learn more about Joanna her Gaian Soul website is here and her blog is here.

Lyn Belisle is an amazing artist, teacher and author who teaches several online classes, including ones at Artful Gathering, showing how to make goddess and spirit dolls.  If you would like to read her Shards blog please click here.

She also offers and amazing amount of free video's, like the ones shown below, on her Lyn Belisle YouTube channel showing some of her spirit doll workshops and the creations made.

If you would like to learn more about Lyn's online classes, workshops, and dvd's please click here.

The Healing and Tranformative Dolls website provides information on e-classes and e-books by art doll artists who create healing dolls such as: Barb Kobe, Pamela Hastings, Erika Cleveland, Joy A. Kirkwood, and Anne Reeder Heck.

They also have a wonderful blog index that provides amazing pictures of healing dolls created by some astonishing healing doll artists as well as links to other information about them. Click here for the "The Art of Healing Dolls Healing Dolls and Healing Stories by Dollmaker Barb Kobe and Other Healing Dollmakers" blog. If you're looking for inspiration this is a great place to start.

Gretchen Lima is an award winning art doll artist who teaches workshops on creating her healing and spirit dolls.  Her Gretchen Lima website also offers a store gallery of her own spirit dolls for sale, information on her workshops, and kits and supplies for spirit doll making.

Silver RavenWolf has a tutorial on her Silver RavenWolf blog entitled "How To Make A Spirit Doll — The Journey of Magickal Design" which shows you how to make the cloth spirit dolls shown above. If you would like to read her article please click here.

Crafting a Magical Life: Manifesting Your Heart's Desire Through Creative Projects by Carol Holaday published in 2009 by Findhorn Press, Scotland is a book about magic, creativity, and finding your own creative process through the powers of your mind.

According to Carol, "Whatever it is you want to create first begins with your thought. By investing your energy in your creation, you are giving life to your creation through a huge concentration of power born of that desire."

Also, according to Carol, "Goddess dolls were created primarily for magical purposes, to honor the energy of the Goddess and to serve as a repository for that energy."

In Chapter 11 Carol talks about her own Goddess doll adventures and provides instructions and a template for creating your own goddess doll, like the one shown in the picture above.

If you would like to read more about Carol's goddess doll adventures and her book please click here.

If you love to crochet there is a free Goddess Doll pattern by Catriona Allen-Bryce on Ravelry for making the crocheted goddess doll shown above.  Click here for the pattern.

There is a wonderful Spirit Doll tutorial by Chris Flynn on the Redwood Mountain Musings blog showing how to make the beautiful spirit doll in the picture above.  Click here for the tutorial.

Chris Flynn is an artist who make the most beautiful spirit dolls. She also offers the video, shown above, on her Chris FlynnYouTube Channel showing how her Sacred Sisters Spirit Dolls are made.

If you want to make paper art doll goddesses Kimberly Crick has three printable templates for making paper goddess dolls, one of which is shown above, on her The Enchanted Gallery website. Click here for her instructions, templates and terms of use.

Creativity-Portal has a how-to for making the spirit doll shown above.  Click here for the Creative Spirit Doll Pattern by Violette.

Marcia Acker-Missall, who is an artist and art teacher, has a pattern for sale on her The Potted Frog website to make the Spa Goddess shown in the picture above. Here's what Marcia had to say about her, "Spa Goddess was published in Belle Armoire magazine and by special invitation she was on display at Houston Market 2002 in the special exhibit “In Celebration of the Doll.”  Click here for the pattern.

Marcia also has a free Healing Goddess Pin Doll pattern on the Doll Street Dreamers website. Click here for her free pattern.

I also found several books that include inspirational pictures of goddess dolls made by mixed media and textul artists as well as some instructions for making goddess dolls of your own.


Art Dolls (Twenty to Make) and Wild Women: Stitched Art Brooches (Twenty to Make), both written by Sarah Lawrence include several references to goddess dolls.

Art Faces in Clay: Dolls, Altered Art and More! (Design Originals) includes how-to's and inspiration for making goddess dolls using Maureen Carlson's designer push molds.

Art Doll Adventures by Lisa Li Hertzi is a delightful book that explores art dolls and cultural traditions around the world.  According to Lisa, "Making dolls with the help of culturl icons brings instant meaning into your work.  Your creative flair is of the twenty-first century, but the ideas are primitive and musty with the smell of the eart and they are not just yours, they are everyone's.  They are in our blood and they connect us."

Lisa also has an Angel Goddess Doll pattern for sale on the Doll Street Dreamers website that makes 3 different versions of her angel goddess doll shown in the pictures above.  Click here for her pattern.  It is also available on Craftsy.  Click here for that pattern.

Making Gourd Dolls & Spirit Figures by Ginger Summit is a wonderful book filled with pictures of beautiful gourd creations from 100 gourd artistsa as well as original projects to make gourd dolls and spirit figures of your own.  Check out the Spirit of Spring, Spirit of Summer, Autumn Spirit In The Tree, and Spirit of Winter projects for projects to inspire you.

Soul Mate Dolls by Noreen Crone-Findlay offers inspiration and instructions for making 3 dozen different healing dolls.  According to the description, "The author shows you how to open doors to creativity, healing, and wholeness by making dolls that express their feelings, desires and ideas."

No mattern what type of goddess, spirit or healing doll you choose to make they all promote aspects of femininity, humanity, spirituality, compassion, humility, healing power, beauty, love, wisdom, peace, passion, truth, strength, intuition, fulfillment and empowerment. The goddess is seen embracing all aspects of life, all seasons, and all natural elements and goddess dolls represent all of her various aspects.

Today's "goddess dolls" are there to share your hopes, dreams, and listen to your fears. They provide comfort and solace in your time of need. They provide you with the strength you need to face the challengers in your life and empower you to succeed. To release your own "inner goddess." They are lovingly made and given out of heartfelt love from one human being to another. They offer nothing more than love, compassion, understanding, and peace.

Mattel Disney Pixar CARS: Circus CARS! These are Lousy Cute!

Thanks. “John H.” for the great pics … The last Super Chase singles of 2015/2016. The Circus GT & Forklift – 2 in one pack. Of course, we now know they have real names, “Honkers” and “BeepBeep.” (guess MeepMeep is a registered trademark™ of Warner Bros). Meep Meep. (I’ll live dangerously). If we die his […]

Mattel Disney Pixar CARS: 2-Piece Lightning McQueen, Last Chance?

For variant collectors, one of the most obscure release was this oddball 2-piece Lightning McQueen included with the Lightning Fast Speedway trackset. While they had started to release other versions of Lightning McQueen with a segmented front face such as Lightning McQueen with (the front) Shovel – original Lightning McQueen during the CARS 1 era (2006 […]

perfect baby toes deserve perfect baby shoes


This is such a perfect combination of gorgeous handmade gift and those old-school sew your own moccasin kits, I’m shaking my head at the brilliance of it all! Baby moccasins are becoming a required accessory for new kiddos in the know. There are tons of styles to choose from – as well as colors, materials, […]

The post perfect baby toes deserve perfect baby shoes appeared first on Small for Big.

Tomenosuke’s Exclusive Pink Gold Lady Butterfly by Aiko

Tomenosuke has announced that they will be releasing a special Pink Gold Lady Butterfly by Aiko to celebrate the opening of their Gallery shop. The Lady Butterfly series started as a project to release one color - 10 units - every year until it reaches 50 units in five colors. The 10-inch tall Pink Gold version is limited to […] Read more

As Dusk Falls: The Winning Doll of the 2014 Integrity Toys Design Competition

In October 2014, the Official Integrity Toys Advanced Design competition took place at the "GLOSS" Convention in Orlando, Florida and at long last, the W Club is honored to introduce the exquisite doll based on Ms. Julia Leroy's winning entry, "As Dusk Falls" Eugenia Perrin Frost™!

As per the rules of the competition, the winning design, personally picked by Jason Wu and other members of the Integrity Toys design team, has gone through various adjustments to make it production ready while preserving the spirit of Julia's original design. We could not be more excited to unveil the production version of the doll and give everyone a chance to add this fantastic lady to their collections!
W Club members can order as many as they want for the reduced price of $130. She will go on sale to the general public for $150.

Head Sculpt: Eugenia
Body Type: FR 2013
Skin Tone: FR White
Hair Colors: Golden Blond
Eyelashes: Yes, Hand Applied

She is very beautiful and if I were going to add more 12" dolls to my collection, I would order her.


My Little Pony? Seriously?

Integrity Toys released some hard to believe information regarding a new fashion figure collection based on My Little Pony. There is a talented group of artists who do custom MLP figures which are fabulous. What I didn't know is that there is a cosplay movement of numerous characters from the show. There is a following of teens and adults who have a convention called BronyCon. Find out more about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BronyCon.
Here is another interesting article about followers and fans:

Integrity says it will be a "high end collectible series inspired and made to honor the fans of the My Little Pony brand."  When I read this announcement I was speechless but I realize that it is a way to get new consumers.


Let's see. What else does Hasbro make that IT could use as a basis for a line of fashion dolls?
Hasbro makes Play-Doh! I love everything about Play-Doh except that smell. What if Integrity made a great set based on that product? It would come with the doll head and you put the head in a Play-Doh 'machine' turn the crank and Play-Doh hair starts to grow. Then you can mold fashion clothes for the doll and voila, a high end fashion line which is recyclable, reusable and encourages active participation. I like it.

*Original photograph: from Waiting by Jana Romanova

So I'm just kidding around here but it was a surprise - bigger than the Jem doll cartoon dolls.


While we don't have further information aside from the official press release above, we do have the following that hopefully will answer a few of your general queries about this brand. Please note that as soon as we have pictures of the official samples, all will be revealed!
  • The male figures will have the current FR: Homme body and the female dolls will sport a new, yet to be unveiled body (more details about this in future announcements).
  • Each figure will come beautifully displayed in a fantastic new package design, themed around each My Little Pony character associated with the doll or figure.
  • Fans can expect lots of little "themed" accessories and especially designed clothing pieces that express each doll's love for his or her favorite My Little Pony character!
  • This new collection may or may not be distributed via Integrity Toys' network of authorized dealers. Since we do not have final costing yet, we cannot make this announcement at this time. Exact pre-ordering information will be released when we are ready to unveil the collection approximately in the fourth quarter of 2015 (Winter 2015-2016).

A Week in Tokyo 201509

The first post in the A Week in Tokyo series that I wrote was back in November 2007. It's been interes...

Super7 brings ReAction Alien Special Action Figure Set Exclusively to NYCC 2015

Super7 brings ReAction Alien Special Action Figure Set Exclusively to NYCC 2015

This year sure has been great for action figure collectors. We have got a ton of new figures from various licenses, including some older ones like Alien. With New York Comic-Con 2015 coming up soon,...

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Dante’s Inferno YouZha from Plaseebo

Bob Conge of Plaseebo fame has announced the first in a series of one of a kind custom YouZha figures to be released over the next few months. Dante's Inferno YouZha is a collaboration with Kearjun, the China-based artist who created the 8-inch vinyl YouZha figure. This piece will come with a hand cast resin decapitated head accessory […] Read more

TIF Launches Auction to Benefit Children in Need

The Toy Industry Foundation (TIF) launched its second annual auction in collaboration with Charitybuzz. It features both unique experiences and exclusive items, such as a meet-and-greet with Mark Cuban, a rare Karl Lagerfeld Barbie doll from Mattel, and a private lunch with Soren Torp Laursen, the president of Lego Systems Inc. Bids may be placed [...]

set database: LEGO 42040 fire plane

set database: LEGO 42040 fire plane
image courtesy of amazon
image courtesy of a-tembo
image courtesy of rekato

image courtesy of conrad

image courtesy of pompo

image courtesy of amazon.co.uk

set number: 42040
set name: fire plane
theme: technic
year: 2015
pieces: 578
price: us$50
minifig: none
medium technic set.
main model is a fire plane.
the plane has a spinnable propeller, a 2 cylinder engine with movable pistons, a water drop function with water cube parts and movable elevators and ailerons.
can be built into a jet plane.
overall design is great.
must have for technic fans.
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The Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye Three Page iTunes Preview

Make a list of every single DECEPTICON. Remove the warriors, the high-rankers, the loyal foot soldiers, the over-achievers, and anyone who's ever made even a modest contribution to The Cause. You should now have five names left. Welcome back, guys.

Care For A Sneak "Peek" At A Seldom Seen Prewar Steiff Dog?

Care to have a sneak "peek" at a really rare Steiff pup? Then check out this little love, who would definitely qualify as part of the canine "toy group" on many levels! You probably know of her breed through a later Steiff design; this model is the great grandmother of one of the most prolific and popular Steiff dogs of the 1950's-1970's.

This petite pooch is the earliest version of "Peky," Steiff's beloved Pekingese pattern. She stands 17 cm high and 20 cm long. Peky is made from tipped and highlighted cream colored mohair. She is standing on all fours and is head jointed. Her tail curves back over her rump, and is stitched in place. Peky has three black hand embroidered claws on each foot and a non-working side squeaker. She has relatively short ears, a shorter mohair face, oversized black and brown pupil eyes, and a hand embroidered nose and mouth. Her lips have a spot of pink airbrushing. 

Peky retains her trailing "f" style and pre-war style yellow ear tag with the numbers 1317,02. These correspond to 1=standing, 3=mohair. 17= 17 cm, 0=without wheels, and 2=squeaker. This pretty Pekingese was made in 10, 14, 17, 22, and 25 cm from 1938 through 1943. 

At first glance, Peky looks alot like two of her fellow standing dog sisters of the era, Charly the King Charles Spaniel (standing on the left), and the Chin Chin (standing in the middle). You can see this family resemblance here on the photo here.  Charly was made standing or sitting. Standing Charly was manufactured in 7, 10, 12, 14, 17, and 22 cm from 1928 through 1938 while sitting Charly appeared in the line in 10, 14, 17, 22, 25, 30, and 35 cm from 1928 through 1936. Chin Chin was only produced standing in 10, 14, 17, 20, 22, 25, 28, and 35 cm from 1931 though 1939. All share the same basic face with key design differences being in ear length, body shape, tail posture, and facial coloring.

Peky had a major makeover post war and was reintroduced to the collector's world in 1953. This updated Peky was produced in 8, 10, 14, and 22 cm though 1977. The post-war Peky is standing, made from light brown mohair, has a detailed black muzzle (mostly velvet in the smaller sizes; mohair in the larger ones), and a darling, pouty mouth. This pattern was also produced as an 18 cm hand puppet from 1963 through 1964. You can see these "new" Peky dogs here on the left.  Then, in 1965, Steiff went on to introduce a larger, 30 cm light blond mohair sitting Peky; she appeared in the line through 1976 and is a bit more rare than her smaller siblings. Because Peky's design is so expressive, it remains a collector's favorite to this day - as each Peky truly has her own look and personality. 

Steiffgal hopes this discussion of Steiff's early toy dogs is worthy of a little "pek" on the cheek.

Have a question about one of your Steiff treasures, canine or otherwise? Let's talk! Click here to learn more.

Legacy Collection Skyrim and Fallout Action Figures Coming Soon From Funko

Funko surprised a lot of collectors when they announced that they would start making 6-inch action figures. They started out with Game of Thrones, which eventually moved on to other licenses like...

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Legacy Collection Skyrim and Fallout Action Figures Coming Soon From Funko


Funko surprised a lot of collectors when they announced that they would start making 6-inch action figures. They started out with Game of Thrones, which eventually moved on to other licenses like Magic the Gathering, Evolve, Firefly and more. Basically, Funko started making collectible action figures based on the properties the big companies wouldn’t touch. […]

Legacy Collection Skyrim and Fallout Action Figures Coming Soon From Funko">Read More...

Integrity Toys to release My Little Pony fashion dolls!

It seems Hasbro is so pleased with what Integrity Toys is doing for Jem and The Holograms that they are giving them another brand to release dolls for: My Little Pony (MLP). This line will be about MLP fan made looks (cosplay), not actual ponies (LOL). Let's read the press release:

Integrity Toys, Inc., under license from Hasbro, Inc., is thrilled to announce the "heart MY LITTLE PONY" fashion figure collection, a high end collectible series inspired by and made to honor the fans of the MY LITTLE PONY brand.
This special-edition collection that is guaranteed to be "at least 20% cooler" will include several fashion dolls and figures inspired by both male MY LITTLE PONY brand enthusiasts (often known in popular culture as "bronies") and female enthusiasts (often known as "pegasisters").
"The MY LITTLE PONY brand has the most amazing community of fans, based around the positive messaging showcased on the My Little Pony Friendship is Magic animated series" said Alain Tremblay, marketing director of Integrity Toys, Inc. "We cannot wait to showcase and honor their fandom through this unique and trendy series of collectible 12-inch figures, decked out in MY LITTLE PONY branded gear and more". Vaughn Sawyers, head designer for Integrity Toys added, "As MY LITTLE PONY fans are as firmly entrenched themselves in popular culture as the brand itself, and with fans on our own design team, we felt that now was the perfect time for a collection like this."
This is not the first time Integrity Toys has teamed up with Hasbro, Inc. Integrity also has been producing JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS collectible dolls under license from Hasbro, Inc. for the past few years.
The heart MY LITTLE PONY figures, which will be done in 1:6 scale (approximately 12 inches tall) are set to be released approximately in the fourth quarter of 2015 and more details about their pricing and where to purchase them will be available closer to the release date.
In the meantime, Integrity Toys has released two prototype sketches, including one male figure and one female figure, and is taking an email sign-up notification list at its website at www.integritytoys.com/mlp. Interested consumers and media can sign up for this email list to get updates about the line and its upcoming release*.

While there is no further information aside from the official press release above, Integrity Toys mentioned the following about the dolls:

  • The male figures will have the current FR: Homme body and the female dolls will sport a new, yet to be unveiled body. There will be more details about this in future announcements.
  • Each figure will come displayed in a new package design, themed around each My Little Pony character associated with the doll or figure.
  • Fans can expect lots of little "themed" accessories and especially designed clothing pieces that express each doll's love for his or her favorite My Little Pony character.
  • This new collection may or may not be distributed via Integrity Toys' network of authorized dealers. Since IT does not have final costing yet, they cannot make this announcement at this time. Exact pre-ordering information will be released when IT is ready to unveil the collection approximately in the fourth quarter of 2015 (Winter 2015-2016).

So what do you think about this? It is certainly not of interest to me but I'm curious about the new body coming.

HASBRO and its logo, JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS, MY LITTLE PONY and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro and are used with permission. ©2015 HASBRO. All rights reserved. All photos and information contained herein is copyrighted Integrity Toys, Inc. and Intercap Merchant Partners, LLC 2015 and may not be reprinted or disseminated without express written permission.
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